Honolulu, HI – DataHouse and HI Tech Hui are pleased to announce their partnership in delivering their clients the very best in cybersecurity for their businesses and organizations.
“Cybersecurity has always been a top priority for us,” explains Scott Fujieda, Vice President of Solutions and Services at DataHouse. “HI Tech Hui has spent years fostering trusted relationships and partnerships with cutting edge security solution that gives them real time information and updates to serve their clients—more than anyone else in Hawaii. Our strategic partnership allows us to harness our collective relationships and expertise to best serve the local community.”
Over the years, cyber attacks have evolved and become more sophisticated, forcing companies to be proactive in creating secure systems to protect themselves, their clients, and their companies. But the sophistication of attackers has far outpaced the urgency of companies to protect themselves.

In 2017, cyber incidents targeting businesses nearly doubled from 2016 resulting in 159,700 attacks in 2017, driven by ransomware and new attack methods. — Online Trust Alliance, 2018 photo via: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BR9EgD1hQbk
“Both DataHouse and HI Tech Hui are founding members of CyberHawaii, a local chapter of the national organization, CyberUSA.” explains Eddie Ontai, President of DataHouse and Vice Chair of CyberHawaii. “We’re blown away by HI Tech Hui’s depth of experience, expertise, and their trusted network of ‘the best of the best’ in cybersecurity in Hawaii, nationally, and internationally.”
CyberHawaii’s purpose is to take a community approach to mitigating cyber risk, to develop educational and workforce pathways for students, and to invest in innovation and economic development for a cyber secure and resilient State.
“Cybersecurity requires trusted partnerships, not just the latest software out of a box,” explains Chuck Lerch, CEO of HI Tech Hui.
“DataHouse is not just the most established and highest-performing IT consultancy in Hawaii, but most importantly it is led by trusted innovators who have a heart and passion to make sure their clients, as well as all of Hawaii, are educated and taking action to stay up-to-date with security for their organizations. The partnership is a win-win for everyone.”
HI Tech Hui focuses on more than consulting and implementing cybersecurity systems for their clients—they spend time educating leaders and organizations on how they themselves can stay secure.
“Hui is the Hawaiian word for ‘group’ or ‘club,’ and that is truly what we are,” says Anne-Marie Lerch, CFO and CMO at HI Tech Hui. “We’re a network of ‘the best of the best’ in cybersecurity experts who are up-to-the-minute in what is happening with cyberattacks and hackers across the globe. This uniquely qualifies HI Tech Hui’s executive team to lead in education, awareness, and practical solutions in security in Hawaii —for small businesses without an IT team or for large-sized businesses that need extra support for their over-tasked IT Department.
The Microsoft store in Ala Moana Center hosts a quarterly event where HI Tech Hui leaders speak on cybersecurity to educate the community. You can visit www.hitechhui.com/events to find opportunities to learn how to make your business or organization more secure online.
About DataHouse
DataHouse is Hawaii’s largest technology consulting company, founded in 1975 by Dan Arita. With decades of experience in various industries, DataHouse moves their clients forward in their vision through data management and analytics, app development, cloud platform and infrastructure, business applications, and consulting and professional services. DataHouse is the founding member of ‘ike’s family of companies (www.ikehawaii.com). Other ‘ike companies include TeamPraxis, ‘Ekahi Health, Sagely, and Pacific Hi-Tech. For more information about DataHouse, visit www.datahouse.com.
About Hi Tech Hui
HI Tech Hui is a locally-owned cyber security and IT services consulting firm with access to a vast network of IT and cyber security experts. HI Tech Hui’s executive team has worked with large local businesses and global Fortune 500 firms, including Amazon, Zappos, Gap, FAA, Department of Defense, Microsoft, Accenture and many other startups. Their hui offers you the right service, cyber security, and IT knowledge for local businesses. For more information about HI Tech Hui, visit www.hitechhui.com.